Lab Report : Extension: Energy Transformations
Teacher Name: Mrs. Jeffcott
Student Name:     ________________________________________
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Problem Stated as a question, which contains your Independent Variable and your Dependent Variable Stated as a question, which contains your Independent Variable  Not stated as a question. No problem stated
Variables All variables are clearly described with all relevant details. All variables are clearly described with most relevant details. Most variables are clearly described with most relevant details. Variables are not described OR the majority lack sufficient detail.
Hypothesis Is stated as an: If (IV) describing word, then (DV) describing word Is stated as an: If (IV) describing word, then (DV) Is stated as an: If (IV) , then (DV) Does not have a Hypothesis written
Materials All materials and setup used in the experiment are clearly and accurately described. Almost all materials and the setupu used in the experiment are clearly and accurately described. Most of the materials and the setup used in the experiment are accurately described. Many materials are described inaccurately OR are not described at all.
Procedures Procedures are listed in clear steps. Each step is numbered and is a complete sentence. Procedures are listed in a logical order, but steps are not numbered and/or are not in complete sentences. Procedures are listed but are not in a logical order or are difficult to follow. Procedures do not accurately list the steps of the experiment.
Data Professional looking and accurate representation of the data in tables and/or graphs. Graphs and tables are labeled and titled. Accurate representation of the data in tables and/or graphs. Graphs and tables are labeled and titled. Accurate representation of the data in written form, but no graphs or tables are presented. Data are not shown OR are inaccurate.
Conclusion Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis, possible sources of error, and what was learned from the experiment. Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis and what was learned from the experiment. Conclusion includes what was learned from the experiment. No conclusion was included in the report OR shows little effort and reflection.
Replicability Procedures appear to be replicable. Steps are outlined sequentially and are adequately detailed. Procedures appear to be replicable. Steps are outlined and are adequately detailed. All steps are outlined, but there is not enough detail to replicate procedures. Several steps are not outlined AND there is not enough detail to replicate procedures.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar One or fewer errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar in the report. Two or three errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar in the report. Four errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar in the report. More than 4 errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar in the report.
Drawings/Diagrams Clear, accurate diagrams are included and make the experiment easier to understand. Diagrams are labeled neatly and accurately. Diagrams are included and are labeled neatly and accurately. Diagrams are included and are labeled. Needed diagrams are missing OR are missing important labels.
Appearance/Organization Lab report is typed and uses headings and subheadings to visually organize the material. Lab report is neatly handwritten and uses headings and subheadings to visually organize the material. Lab report is neatly written or typed, but formatting does not help visually organize the material. Lab report is handwritten and looks sloppy with cross-outs, multiple erasures and/or tears and creases.
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Date Created: Oct 06, 2011 04:39 pm (UTC)